Ok, here are some pics but they aren't that great. Some didn't focus very well (I promise it wasn't user error

Here's what I did:
I bought one of
these for the pocket, although I'm sure just about anything would work. Ideally I would like the pocket to be wider in the back so the connector doesn't hang off the side as mine does but it hasn't caused any problems. I also ordered the female docking connector (the one on the back of the empeg) and the pins from digi-key, which can be found from
this thread.
The test connector that I built was built with stranded wire (I can't remember what gauge wire I used so just use your own judgement) and I just looped the pins 2 and 14 to get power to my amp remote and the ignition sense input. I then looped pins 15, 18, and 21; 16, 19, and 22; and 17,20, and 23 so I can have the fronts, rears, aux, and grounds all in a loop to connect them so the sound passes completely through. With this step initially done, I tested my theory by placing just the connector in the sled to see if I would have sound and voila! It worked. Now this was just a test connector...
I then created a second connector using solid wire instead of stranded wire b/c the stranded wire test I did didn't look very good. I decided to actually bend the wires and solder them to each other for the connections and I used electrical tape and careful designing to keep the different channels from touching. Once I finished the soldering, I then tested the connector to make sure it was working properly.
Then I proceeded to mount the connector on the pocket as follows:
I used a spare sled that Meatballman has in his possession and lined up the pocket with the male connector so I could have an accurate measurement of where to cut. After cutting, I placed the connector in place, drilled a hole to mount it, and mounted it. I then used a hot glue gun to sure it up. I also used black paint to cover the glue and get a uniformed look. Insert the pocket while the empeg is not present and you have an auxilary input channel that plays your head unit. I rarely use it but it has been used on a few occassions.
I would be more than happy to produce these for anyone wanting one. I won't be able to start production until March so if you can wait, I'll make some if there is any interest.
The total cost was about $35 for the pocket I actually created although I spent more than that so I could have some spare parts incase anything went wrong. IIRC it took me about 3 hours or so of actual labor due to testing and actually coming up with a design for soldering the pins together.
Let me know if anyone wants one and I'll whip it up for you.