Yeah, I'm considering selling my GXCEBOT. I've had nothing but problems with it since I got it and things aren't getting any better now. It used to intermittantly go dead and I figured it may be a bad HD. Put in a new 120gb drive and that didn't fix it, same problem. Then I thought it was the power supply, it tested OK so I was at a dead end and just put the unit away and didn't use it for a while. Recently I thought I'd get 'er back out and see if I could fix it, and I did!!! It was the parlex cable from the power supply to the mother board. Popped a new one in and it worked

.... that lasted about 2 weeks and now it's dead again

. I'm sick of this thing. I looked forward to it's flexibilty and video extraction ease, but the constant headaches are too much. The only reason I haven't just gotten rid of it yet is 'cause I know I'm gonna get raped on the sale price since it won't power up now. Plus I've got some video on it that I wanted to keep and I figured eventually I'd get around to removing it from the drive. After all this, let me know if you're interested