I have
never posted in this forum because I have either not had an empeg or I haven't seen anything wrong with it. I am very satisfied with the way it works now, and after a good amount of use I'd have to say that these are my only suggestions:
1) not a biggie, but is it possible that in addition to displaying the time in the song, you could display the total time as well? ie: for a 5 minute long track, halfway it would read something like 2:50/5:00
2) This is something you really need to fix. My files are not VBR encoded, and I often FF/RW through tracks to hear something I really liked or something. FF works fine, like any other car stereo or audio device of any kind. It appears to initially FF 5 seconds at a time then after a while it jumps to something like 20 seconds. This is good. But when you hold down RW, it goes at 1 second at a time. I understand that this is because the file is technically still playing in the meantime, but it's a bit annoying.
That's all I can think of right now. Sorry if this has been brought up before or is already planned.