I've been in a CD-rip mode lately on the ol' Central, so here are a few wishes that I've thought of in no particular order...
* While I do use the multiple CD copy function, occasionally I also use the "insert-a-CD-and-record-it" mode. Not sure if it's a licensing issue or what, but it seems like we have to wait quite a bit for the CDDB Gracenote logo to animate it's bad self and come to a stop before I can push the button to record the CD. Any chance the on-screen time for the CDDB logo could be reduced? When you've seen it once....
* When compressing CDs after a session of ripping (today I multiple copied about 10 CDs), is there any way to simply list a countdown about how many songs or whole CDs are left in the queue to compress after the 'ripping' is done? I don't need to have the compression time remaining displayed (assuming that would be harder), but something a little more than the turning gears

would be nice...
* Any way to signal when a CD copy is completed? If it's a "one-time-copy", the tray doesn't come out to signal the end of the copy operation. Even when doing a multiple copy, sometimes I'm not close enough to see or hear the tray come out...Any way the unit can "beep" or pause any audio output or do something to pause or cycle the streaming output, etc. to let me know to go pop in another CD? That would make the CD copying process a little faster instead of getting caught up in something else and not noticing that it's time to change the CDs...
That's about it for now....I'm working on a disk backup solution that I'll post on in a few days....Thanks for a great product and your continued support....