I was dropping my wife off for her jury duty this morning, and, while I was looking left and trying to cut into traffic, I didn't notice the guy in front had stopped short. My right front corner clipped his rear bumper, center, probably going no faster than 5mph. No damage to his car, but some ugly damage to mine. (And, my wife saw the whole thing. *sigh*)
First photos, then my requests for the advice of the community.

As you can see, the front bumper is pushed back a bit. It's not clear whether there's any frame damage, but the plastic liner inside the wheel well was pushed back enough that the wheel would rub on it when turned far enough. Somehow, I imagine I'm looking at a new bumper, getting the bumper painted, a new turn signal, and possible some new plastic bits for the wheel well. I wouldn't be at all surprised if we're talking about $1500 to $2000 worth of damage, even for so minor a fender bender. My insurance deductible on this, I believe, is $1000.
(To the best of my uneducated knowledge, the radiator and everything else appear to be undamaged, although I suppose this needs to be inspected by a proper mechanic. Grumble.)
Q1: Should I claim this on my insurance? Will they take it out of my hide on my next premiums?
Q2: My BMW originally came with a plastic air deflector under the car that quickly got nuked by the crap roads around here. I was told that they couldn't just screw a new one on as a result of other damage under there. If I'm having the front-end of my car worked on to address today's fender bender, should I spend the extra bucks to have the body shop truly repair the front underbody?
Any advice or experiences shared would be much appreciated.