Ok, I remembered something checkable by any smoh. The network gobs maintain a web based database containing the data on all systems connected to the internal net. If there is no record of your system, access to other subnets starts going downhill as more and more routers catch on that your IP addr. is unlisted. Also once unlisted, other sysadmins may grab the IP addr. for reuse. That happened once before.
Guess who's PC had been delisted. Not just the pc but the Ultra60 and the laptop too. The Ultra60 would have been understandable, I've been keeping that noisy bastard shut off, it would have failed to show on the security scans and been delisted.
Lestwise I hope that is the primary reason for my problems.
If you are wondering, my worksite is 1mile square, and last I heard has something over 8000 misc computers scattered amoungst the buildings.