Heh, I posted a thread about purchasing the previous model of this player a while ago

I do own the previous model, but I'm sure it's basically the same. The new one has some very nice features, though. However, I would never dare to compare this to a Tivo

The fact is that the recording process is not very straightforward, the timer (should you choose to use it) doesn't always go off, and the videos it records off a direct line are larger and lower quality than ones you convert on the PC.
That said, I
really like my player. I've got the AV340, and it was an absolute pleasure to use on my trip to Europe. Plane or train trip? Just load up a movie and the time flies!. I had about 10 movies, 100 albums, [eventually] 300 pictures loaded from the CF card reader, and a total of about 15
seasons of television programming on the 40GB hard disk.
It's very cool.