Jim, at the moment I have no idea what
I'll end up supporting, it is something my boss sprang on me this morning.
Corperate IS are planning on setting up a VMware lab , initally to see how much use they can make of it for their infastructue.
My boss feels, and I think he is right, that we should be able to apply some of the VMware tech to the systems under our control and outside of IS's and reduce a number of headaches - damn end users!
As for what OS on what OS, please bear in mind I working in the dark here, but for a number of systems I'd like to see linux boot from a USB flash memory drive and pull Win2k over. But for several reasons that maybe 2 years out - thoes systems are part of a big pie of which we're only one group at the table.
Other systems are more like restricted access desktop PCs, in this case again linux would boot up and get it on the network and pull down something from the beast.
Our setup is weird and fragmented, so this might make it a bit simpiler.
On the down side this means a lot of new work for me, but this is also a plus as I've been getting pretty bored recently - yemight remember my rant back in May or there abouts.
On the big plus side getting training and software will not be a problem, not because this is a Corp IS project, but because we bought the company last year (sort of like Victor Kiam) - so all these toys are for free - sorry no prizes for correctly guessing who I work for, but if anyone ever wants a factory tour just bring your empeg to the front desk

Mark, as soon as I can snag some hardware I'll be doing that so that I can get a better idea of how my group can use it. But mean time can you tell me what cool things I can do in a server-client set up? and what fun things I should look out for.