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By the way, if you rename a file that exists in 2 places and has the same FID, does it rename the othe file too? I thought I saw this happen.
It does. The tune has a FID ending in 0, its tag file a FID incremented by one. Title and other tags are stored in that tag file, which there is only one per tune. A song is referenced in different playlists by its FID being mentioned there. Therefore, it is not possible to have multiple links (in Unix parlance) to the song with different tags, including name. This is different than with Unix links (both symbolic and hard ), where this is possible; the difference is that Unix links have multiple places (directory entries) in which to store filename, all pointing to either original directory entry (symlinks), or to i-node (hardlinks). Once more, empeg does not use Unix links to organize its playlists, 'link' tumes to multiple lists etc.
Hm, I have already promised to write a FAQ entry on this. Maybe next weekend... 
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
Q#5196, MkII#80000376, 18GB green