First off, I'd like to apologize to anyone who has been waiting for Palantir on PocketPC devices, I did not want to lead anyone on into thinking that this was going to be a reality (from me) anytime soon. After writing the Palm version I thought that I would like to try PocketPC programming, and this would be a good starting point for me. I'm sorry to say that this is not the case, and I am now abandoning writing Palantir on PocketPC devices.
I don't have the time to learn the skills needed to re-write Palantir for the PocketPC. If I did take the time, I do not know where else I would use those skills. This does not encourage me to press forward.
The hardware I have available is an old PocketPC that is not compatible with modern PocketPC programming, and would require that most of Palantir be written using MFC or the Win32 APIs - hard to make totally compatible with the current crop of PPC 2002 and 2003 devices. Ezekiel donated this hardware to me to work on the port, I will either ship it back to him, or to anyone else who would like to work on it instead.
I did do a small portion of Palantir for the WinCE device: writing the OBEX send function to send a FID to Empire over the IrDA port. This is actually a good starting point, since I could not find any OBEX functions in the WIn32 api set (maybe there are some in .NET). This code is attached to this post (it's probably messy, but works).
If desired, someone with PocketPC 2002-2003 .NET programming experience could easily port Palantir to the PPC platform. This person could even write a few functions to utilize the same .pdb file format that the Palm version uses, or I will help write a jEmplode plugin to export the data to a format of their choice. Empire is ready for other devices to send FID's over IrDA, so all the programming on the Empeg side is finished.
Besides, it would be cool to have a PocketPC version