Hey all, maybe this can light up your Monday morning. I received these pre-prototype buttons from a potential molding company on Friday (and it was hard to resist posting these sooner).
They were done using SLA (Stereolithography Apparatus) which is like a 3D printer. They were created from liquid plastic one layer at a time by a laser. When completed, they were given some dye, which the material soaks right up.
The color is pretty accurate and the tiny details are very well reproduced. Though the molding company was offering this as a potential production method, it won't work because the parts seem fragile, the texture is chalky, the difussion isn't too great, and (oddly) the large features of the buttons are a little off. This company has a few other methods which I will explore with them.
So, this isn't much to look at, but it's proof of momentium. I have some quotes, there are more on the way, and I should be choosing a caster within the next two weeks. Then, give it 4 to 8 weeks for production (and extra time, because it's always necessary) and we're looking at having these things reasonably in December. Christmas present to yourself? They don't come in red and green for nothing!
If you want to give input on the cost for these, check out the
Cost Poll. Also, all feedback is welcome anytime. Keep your fingers crossed, we're getting there.
Oh, and that's a Filener raised panel Amber lens. The goal is to match the buttons to his lenses (except blue) since they are the ones currently available. And yes, that is a MKII knob on a MKIIa, shaft buffered with a thin coil of paper (because it was a bit too wide... odd). Enjoy.