Does anyone else find the justaposition of 'TV' and 'intellectual' to be oxymoronic?
A bit snobbish, are we tonight?

There is some pretty darn good programming on television, even in my case where I do not have cable, but just four TV networks coming in through the antenna on my roof. (ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC) Oh, make it five: Forgot PBS, probably the best of all.
If you are not watching "The West Wing" then you are missing some truly superb TV -- great cast,
fantastic screenwriting.
Another program that is surprisingly good is "Joan of Arcadia". (If I told you the premise of the show, you'd never,
ever watch it, you'd dismiss it as completely corny without ever seeing it. You'd be wrong.)
On PBS, there's Nova, Scientific American Frontiers, Nature, among others.
And if I weren't such a cheapskate, I'd subscribe to cable and get The Discovery Channel and the History Channel.
So, no, I do *not* find the concepts of "intellectual" and "TV" to be oxymoronic.
Oxymoronic... hmmm... Had to look that one up. I always thought it meant some kind of cow that was really stupid...
