Seriously considering to buy a Empeg MK2a. Please PM or email me your offers. Also pleased from tips in the buying process 8-)
What is the going price for Empegs these days? Do I need to consider taxes when shipping (i believe no one in Finland wants to sell me one d=P)?
My details:
Currently I own a MK1 w/ 80GB HD, had it for ~three years.
Therefore I don't need a HD with Empeg, and preferably getting an empeg w/o the hd, since it's just extra cost for me

Living in Finland, paying in Euros.
My email address: lauri.hypponen[at]saunalahti.fi
My MSN address is the same. Mostly online at MSN after 16.30 EET.
I reely reely want a nice christmast present for myself 8-)