For some time now I've been having an odd problem with my cellphone (a 6310i), which I think is actually the local orange cell rather than the phone itself. However, Since I don't have a spare to test it's difficult to be sure. I'm wondering if anyone out there may have similar problems.
Basically, the phone keeps losing cell signal completely. It normally happens during a call, usually after about 3-5 minutes of use. Suddenly it will die mid-word, and the signal strength has dropped to nothing. A randomish time later, usually 10-20 minutes, it comes back full strength as if nothing had happened.
The reason I'm fairly sure it's not the phone is that it only seems to happen at home, and in one or two other areas. Outside these places everything seems to work. I've stripped the phone, cleaned everything, retensioned the antenna contacts, and reassembled it, but it still does it.
If you turn it off during a dead period, wait a few minutes, and turn it back on, it's still got no signal until whatever it is times out. So it doesn't seem to be an overheating problem.
Has anyone else ever had similar problems? I can't get a lot of sense out of Orange, surprisingly
