As many others before me have done, I am turning to the wealth of experience on this board to help me out.
My system at home consists of a cable modem linked into a wireless router. The router has 2 PCs and a docking sled hard-wired to it.
In my lounge I have a wireless TiVo and a wireless bridge that I connect my xBox to (or sometimes my 2nd docking sled).
I use my xBox for streaming pictures, music, video etc. At least, I would like to. When streaming it seems to work okay for a while and then just hangs. What I was trying last night was transferring a couple of large (700MB) .avi files to it. The first attempt I transferred 100MB pretty quickly and then the connection died. I tried a couple more times - each time rebooting the xBox) and it would only get to 282k before dying again. But, it wasn't just the connection. Once this happened I couldn't connect to the internet with either of the PCs. I ended up shutting everything down (including modem and router) and restarting. All fine again after this.
My router is a Belkin and the bridge is a Linksys. Both pre-54g

. I should also point out that data transfer is fine with the xBox hard wired to the router.
So, any suggestions as to why the link dies and why it kills the rest of my network? Will it be something to do with the bridge? This has been frustrating me for some time now.