#247263 - 24/01/2005 13:02
Having a bad day?
carpal tunnel
Registered: 08/03/2000
Posts: 12347
Loc: Sterling, VA
Maybe that's because it's the " worst day of the year."
I don't know, I'm having a pretty good day. Last week sucked way more 
#247264 - 24/01/2005 20:49
Re: Having a bad day?
[Re: Dignan]
Registered: 15/02/2002
Posts: 314
Loc: New Hampshire, USA
I don't know if it is/will be the worst day of the year, but it's been a bad day none the less. I'm at work minding my own business when the wife calls saying she slide into a snow bank. She can't get out. So I call AAA I'm on hold for a half hour and decided to forget this and decided to leave work to dig her car out myself. When I get to the spot, the car is gone. The city towed it. It was sitting there for no more than an hour. Like I said by the time I got there it had been towed.
I call the police department. I explained the situation and they said it was probably towed to such and such a place. So we bundle up (I'm in NH. We got 16" of snow the day before and the temp is around 10 degrees). Anyway, we get there, I talk to the cop and he said it will cost me $110 cash to get it back. I try to explain that I was going to dig the car out myself and by the time a got a shovel there the car was gone. He doesn't care. "It'll cost you $110 to get it back." Do you take credit cards I ask. No, cash only was the response.
I get back in my car, look for an ATM and drive back. I sit there for 20 minutes come to find out the car isn't there. That was a holding area for illegally parked cars only. The cop radios around for a few minutes and tells me that it is at another area across town. I told him that I was TOLD to come here! He response, "You should have explained your situation better." That really ticked me off. I had a few words and left.
I finally found the other holding area. This place tells me it will cost $130 because it was an "accident". Now I'm more ticked. The car wasn't even in the middle of the road. It was off to the side. "We only do what the police tell us" was the response. After waiting another 30 minutes I finally got the car, $130 poorer.
Now this wasn't the worst day, it was a bad day. Actually I guess if this is my worst day of the year I'm doing pretty good.
#247265 - 24/01/2005 21:00
Re: Having a bad day?
[Re: phi144]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 25/12/2000
Posts: 16706
Loc: Raleigh, NC US
Towing companies suck.
Bitt Faulk
#247267 - 24/01/2005 21:16
Re: Having a bad day?
[Re: phi144]
Registered: 24/07/2003
Posts: 500
Loc: Colorado, N.A.
Now, if you'd been in Ohio, all the H.P. officers have credit-card processing hardware in their cruisers, so no prob. on the $110. Of course, that wouldn't have mattered if they'd towed your wife's car all the way to W.V. (don't laugh; it's actually happened). Bad days indeed.
-- DLF
#247269 - 25/01/2005 01:06
Re: Having a bad day?
[Re: Dignan]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 13/02/2002
Posts: 3212
Loc: Portland, OR
My day's been hit-n-miss.
Miss: I got a phone call from the shop I bought a bunch of hockey gear from yesterday. They didn't have the shin guards I want in stock. This phone call was to say that their warehouse didn't have them either. Unfortunately, I've already paid for them. They're now trying to find me a pair before next week. :-P
Hit: After a bit of incommunicado, I got some positive email from a girl I'm interested in.
No worse than a usual day.
edit : fixed link
Edited by l0ser (25/01/2005 04:45)
#247270 - 25/01/2005 05:05
Re: Having a bad day?
[Re: Dignan]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 27/06/1999
Posts: 7058
Loc: Pittsburgh, PA
My day started off great. When I woke up, I checked ESPN.com, and confirmed that the Eagles had, in fact, won the NFC Championship game, and are going to the Super Bowl. After verifying this, my day at work was pretty good, until I got to my car in the parking lot and it had been hit by someone pulling into or out of their spot. No denting, just hit the bumper, but it's my car's first significant exterior scratch in the 5 years I've had it.
Otherwise, can't complain. Maybe that theorem is only valid in the UK.
#247271 - 25/01/2005 05:29
Re: Having a bad day?
[Re: tonyc]
old hand
Registered: 14/02/2002
Posts: 804
Loc: Salt Lake City, UT
I think its valid in the US. U2 announced their tour, and it is a whopping 13 venues in N. America on the first leg. Nearest one to me is about an 8 hour drive. So Monday the 24th had a big downer for me.
#040103696 on a shelf Mk2a - 90 GB - Red - Illuminated buttons
#247272 - 25/01/2005 10:48
Re: Having a bad day?
[Re: wfaulk]
Registered: 24/08/1999
Posts: 564
Loc: TX
My bad day/tow company experience was an early christmas present. Dec20th, driving to pick up son from daycare, a suburban runs a stop sign across my path, with no possibility of stopping I t-bone it. Both my wife and I are fine, both trucks pretty banged up. Cops, EMS, Fire and tow truck all on scene in minutes. Tow truck takes my truck, cops drop us off home to pick up wifes truck. Two days later at body shop, stop by to pick up my belongings from my broken truck to find that the towing company, while towing my truck, had the bed-cap blow off which bang up the pickup bed, the cab and the hood (it was being towed backwards). The cap landed on the highway and was run over a few times for good measure. The towing company just put the cap back on the pickup bed and said nothing, assuming that nobody would notice!! Grand total of 7200 bucks of repairs including the actual accident.
I hate tow companies......especially CENTEX TOWING INC !
Oh well, its only a truck and no-one was hurt.
the chewtoy for the dog of Life
#247273 - 26/01/2005 05:34
Re: Having a bad day?
[Re: ashmoore]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 13/02/2002
Posts: 3212
Loc: Portland, OR
My cousin has a bad towing story, as well. Her and her husband got t-boned by a truck that was racing to get through a yellow, but ended up running the red (had to have been doing at least twice the limit, given where my cousin's truck ended up). No serious injuries, but they had to use the jaws of life to get my cousin out. Anyway, the tow company took his truck to the lot, which is where the trouble starts.
A minor bit of background: my cousin's husband has had a double lung transplant due to cystic fibrosis (so fill in your organ donor cards, everyone -- it matters!), so he has to take a *ton* of medication.
All of his medication (including the inhibitors that keep him from rejecting his lungs) happened to be in the truck, which got towed. He went to the lot *that night*, and told the guy "I need to get my meds from the truck." The wrecking lot owner wouldn't let him get his medication! He had to argue with the guy for about half an hour, before he was reluctantly let in. Given the events of the night, he wasn't thinking too clearly, so he grabbed his meds, and went home.
The next day, he realized that he'd left his tool bag (he's an apprentice electrician) in the truck, which he needed for work. Back to the lot he goes. Once again, the owner didn't let him in without a *lot* of hassle -- I think he had to resort to threatening to call the cops and his lawyer. When he managed to get in this time? bag of tools is gone, along with a few grand worth of audio equipment.
Fortunately, he had reciepts for the latter, so there's a lawsuit pending. :-P
Sometimes people suck.
#247274 - 26/01/2005 05:35
Re: Having a bad day?
[Re: canuckInOR]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 13/02/2002
Posts: 3212
Loc: Portland, OR
Quote: edit : fixed link -l0ser
Doh. Thanks. I'll chalk it up to having posted that on the 24th. 