While I'm pretty confident I could do a tuner kit with something simple
like this as long as the tip is fresh, since it's all through-hole components (I have a very similar - if not identical - with a very worn tip (to lazy to go hunt down a new one

) that sees use only on rough stuff like wires etc.
Somewhat nicer would
his beReally nice would be a temp. controlled soldering station and Weller makes nice stuff:
exampleI bought something similar - noname - at an autoparts store for about 1/4 of the price - I don't do enough soldering to justify a WEller... Has served me well on a tuner kit as well as some knob kits (SMD) and color modifications on all knobs and buttons of my car...
Whatever you get - get a sponge so you can keep the tip clean (included in the station, se the pic). A desoldering sucker is handy if you make a mistake - and some
desoldering braid to get any remaining solder the sucker didn't get.
I'd say it depends a lot on if you intend to do surface mount components in the future - then definately get a temperature controlled iron/station - with a very fine tip. There should be a range of tip sizes available for the iron in question...
Soldering irons have been discussed before on the BBS, here are two threads, but not the one I was really thinking of... Seems my search fu is weak...
THread 1 Thread 2/MIchael