Hello everyone,
I own a MK2 EMPEG (about 2+ years) and I am not a technical guy on them personally. I've sort of relied on my local cousin to help me on technical issues with it, and recently the deck is not seeing my hard drive and has had this symptom in the past, where my cousin would try to get the IDE connection to connect better, but recently the deck will not see my 40GB hard drive 80% of the time on boot-up. The deck was not dropped, bumped or shaken - I care for the deck very well, and use a pro hard foamed case for any transport.
When my cousin took apart (knows how to beyond me) my MK2 this week, and he tried to fix the IDE connections again by soldering and it did not resolve the problem of 'No Hard Drive Found', and he too has a MK2 and swapped my Hard drive with his, and it still did not boot right and gave the same error message

I feel my cousin and I have hit a wall, and I would like to send my MK2 deck to someone here or to the right person(s), and get it looked at and fixed, because we both feel it is a circuit board problem, bad IDE cable/connection, or bad chip on the board, and I was hoping for any advice anyone here may have or any help. I can fix it finically, so the goal is to mail my MK2 it to a safe and reliable source to get it examined and repaired - because I enjoy my MK2.
Your time, help, and advice are truly appreciated.
Please feel free to eMail me or reply to post.
Thank you.