Ladies, Gentlemen, Mr Fabris...
I have come to a hard decision. I am selling my empeg. I will take offers here first and then I will go to ebay. For those of you that have been here a while this is the infamous empeg involved in Austin Laesh's alleged scam. (He eventually made good with me, I don't know if he ever did with the others he sold the same unit to.) I will try to search for the old thread if you are interested. It goes on for months...
Anyhow. It is a 20gb MK 2a model. Upgraded to 40gb. I have had the IDE headers soldered once, and I have another IDE cable coming* (more about that in a minute)
Also I have decided to sell it all in one group the broken one that I have as well. Please refer to the other post on here.
That one is also a MK2a and it has a single 13gb drive in it. The motherboard is beyond repair--Stuart at Eutronix had it for quite some time and tried his best.
The VFD and everything else are good on it.
Between the two I have one sled and harness (installed once) and one spare harness. I have one original empeg credit card remote and two power supplies.
I am taking offers. (hint hint I am not looking for terribly much on this) $500 OBO?!?