A episode of ScreenSavers on G4TechTV a few weeks back (2-3) showed some clips from GDC (Game Developers Conference). The host interviewed numerous people including booth staffers at Intel, NVIDIA and ATI. The person from ATI is a friend annd I told him I'd try to find the clip.
I had never seen an episode before, so it was a huge coincidence that I'd watch the one where this friend gets interviewed. And to top it off, during the show, I get a call from my girlfriend, who at the time was in New Orleans at a different tradeshow with this same friend - so I got to tell him I had just seen him on TV.
I know some of you TiVo guys record the show - is anyone able to save off a portion of it as an MPEG4 (any format will do actually)?
I've searched a few P2P networks for it but it seems ScreenSavers isn't a top sharing resource.
