Actually, while the site is broken pretty horribly the ordering is about the only thing that DOES work. So feel free to use it.
The machine that site runs on is constantly getting hacked (as in about once a month), and after the latest attack all the pictures are missing. I also no longer seem to be able to access it at all to upload or alter the site

I am slowly working on moving everything to a new host, but there are a lot of problems with reclaiming the domain from the current captors.
I still have tuner kits left, but since sales have dropped to about one every six weeks or less it won't be worth keeping the remaining stock for much longer. Unfortunately, I'll lose about 3-4 grand on it, since there is no real market for the stuff and it will have to be sold as surplus at about 15% of it's purchase price (if I'm lucky). Bummer.
Oh well, live and learn.