Hey all,
I bought an Empeg on Tuesday, woo! (/me does a dance around the room again). Ever since I heard about the Mk1 on Slashdot (back when it was worth reading) in '99 I wanted it. Now that I have a driving licence and a car, its mine

Its a MK2a 12GB+20GB which is now running 2.0, Hijack (its essential!) and Empire/Palantir with my Treo. Loving it.
Anyway... sorry for the rambling. I have an as-new unassembled PCATS tuner that I need to have put together. I can't really do this myself; I have no real soldiering practice and don't fancy learning on this.
I need a kind fellow, ideally in London or Nottingham with experience putting one together to help me out. In exchange for some combination of cash, Xbox modification/upgrade, a nice meal out or random hardware I have.
Random hardware at the moment includes a Sparc 20 with 2 10/100 SBUS cards (currently running OpenBSD). A Lucent/ORiNOCO AP1000 dual channel 802.11b Loadbalancing AP which does SNMP, Radius etc complete with cards. A PIII 600EB processor, compact board and 512MB PC133 ECC RAM. Maybe some other stuff too!
Mail me: hussein at mightymouse dot net