Turns out I had actually had 10 of them (my x-roomate decided he didn't want to be bothered learning how to get them running.
I sold two lots of two (thanks folks) and have six more left.
I have 4 remotes. 3 of these are actual sonic blue units and 3 are dell units, some telephony cards, and a few cd's as well.
I will sell them for $80 each if you take one unit
$75 each if you take two
$70 each if you buy 3 units.
And I will sell all six for $360.
[as you can see, I woudl rather unload these all at once, and have it done with. ]
i will ship anywhere you want me to ship them to. I won't charge any stupid 'handeling' fees, however i will no cover the shipping charges. I also won't ship until i have cash in hand (or pay-pal) so please, stop asking.
Anyone local to maryland can drive by and pick them up if they wish.
whomever gets me the cash first (not the promise of 'i'll take them' gets them.)
I don't mean to sound abrupt here, but I received well over 40 e-mails last week about these things - people asking if I would mail them and accept payment once it arrived, if I would wait till they asked friends etc.
I just want them off my desk

Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions.