Firstly, I must apologise for the appallingly late delivery of a number of memory expansion boards. Due to a number of factors, some beyond my control and some not, I am months behind in several lines of work, including the finishing off of the boards. I am absolutely solidly booked on a major project at the moment, which is taking up the bulk of my time but is critically important as amongst other things, it's paying the bills. Add in family issues, my father having a stroke while staying at my house a little while ago (don't be too alarmed, it was a mild one and he seems to have recovered well, although it was fairly stressful. Mainly for me, as he can't remember it

), many many people wanting many many urgent things done
right now, and everything slows to a crawl.
And, of course, the supplier of the memory which was supposed to be here three or four months ago still hasn't come through.
God, I sound like a whiny bastard, but really I'm just a lazy, overworked bastard
So, what am I doing about it, I hear you shout. At least, the ones who are waiting for memory board are shouting, everyone else is probably going "Sorry, did you say something?"
Well, I have arranged a small-run PCB manufacturer to build the remaining boards. By various means I have scraped together enough chips to make about half the outstanding boards, and I am pushing the supplier for the balance. I will arrange to have at least a dozen boards completed and shipped out as soon as I can possibly manage it, and with luck the rest should be done fairly soon.
If anyone is completely fed up with my inability to deliver on a promise on time, I will refund their money for the memory boards. Obviously I would prefer not to do this if they can wait just a little longer, but I understand if they have lost patience.
On a slightly different but related issue, it seems unlikely that I will make another batch of memory boards at any time soon. Both for the reasons explained above, and because the demand isn't really there.
Also, I will be making up the remaining tuner kits when I have a moment (I'm awash in parts for
those damn things), and will be happy to supply them until they run out. After that, there definitely will be no more made.
Once again, sorry to everyone who is waiting. You're not forgotten, I assure you. I simply don't seem to be able to get the time together to answer the emails and PMs in a reasonable timescale at the moment. I don't even have time to look at the BBS more than once a week or so.