Damn, for a while I thought I had him totally beat on Star Wars items. But I think he has more. I don't have any of the episode 1-3 stuff and I'm missing some trilogy stuff from the periods I was collecting in (and any re-releases since then). I also don't have the duplicates he has (I'm missing even one good 12" Stormtrooper and he has a small army

I also have a LOT of Spawn. Fairly complete first few series. But I gave up on that because I was finding that even though the sculpting was quite detailed, Macfarlane toys just couldn't come up with a playable figure to save their lives. Something has to look good AND be articulated enough and robust enough to also be played with. At least that's what I value.
My toy collection doesn't go far outside that in terms of "lines" - though I've also got most of the X-Files figures and then a bunch of mix and match stuff like mint condition Matchbox and Corgi cars from 1971 and 1972 (to replace the same models I had as a baby/child).
My girlfriend hasn't seen everything unpacked yet. It's all been in plastic rubbermaid tubs (more like coffins) for the past 3.5 years. Next house will see a large room dedicated to toys. Probably next to the home theater room which will also be next to the aquaria/plant room.