I'm not sure how many of the folks here are into The White Stripes, but I recently started listening to them and got into them big-time. I was fortunate to see them and my other current favorite band, The Shins, this week at Merriweather Post Pavilion in Coumbia, MD. It was a fantastic show, one of the best I've ever seen, which was unexpected because I thought the sound system would be absolutely terrible. I saw Velvet Revolver there and I guess they just have bad sound people.
Anyway, I'm posting this because apparently the band asked NPR to record the show. It is available to stream from their site
here. Just be sure that you first select the program you'll be streaming with
The quality is excellent, and although I hate to do it to NPR, I've captured it to WAV and plan on putting it on my empeg soon. I don't feel very guilty, since I own all the White Stripes and Shins albums, and if this were available to purchase I'd buy it too. I know, it's not an argument that would hold in court, but I feel the need to justify myself

Anyway, I strongly recommend it. The band is not bad live, like everyone says. Yeah, they're a little rough, but it fits their music. Just the sheer energy that went into their show was amazing.