One of sponsored links that accompanied a message I was reading in Gmail led me, unfortunately, to
The Final Theory, a site that I visited but managed to forget. In the case you don't know (why would you be better off than me

), that's the home page of a book full of total nonsense claiming to be the radically new and final answer to all the questions that science had, is or will be asking. Don't take my word for it: there is a free chapter there, some 60 pages long (but first two are enough to form a diagnosis).
While such loony works are not new (a friend's grandfather was engaged in similar ones), what depressed me were readers' comments on
the book's page. It seems it is enough that a work "challenges scientific establishment" to be considered a Second Coming, even when it contains all of the information content of a FM radio tuned between stations.
I was wonderng whether Mr. McCutcheon is just a energetic handwaving fool (or madman), or a fraud (or even a subvesive a'la
Alan Sokal; the charade lasts a bit too long for that, though). His
next book might provide some insight in that respect.