I meant in case of a list of caveats and upgrade issues, not how to perform a flash...
But interestingly enough, I'd never used Upgrader before.
I'm writing this as I'm trying to upgrade... Going from version 2.0 final, using HiJack 413.
First thing I did was to just try the .MacOS binary that was part of the download, which just gave me the following error:
Error, size mismatch: 1974877952 vs 0
So searching the forum I read someone else had to recompile to overcome a similar error using Cygwin.
Recompile done and I notice the version of Upgarder is now 9 instead of 2.
So we try again with new binary... Player was paused before starting.
Placing player into Standy-By for the upgrade: ncftpput -E -c -Y "site button=top.L" "" "/dev/null" </dev/null
Could not accept a data connection: Operation timed out.
Could not read reply from control connection -- timed out.
Could not read reply from control connection -- timed out.
INFO This release is suitable for Mark II empeg and Rio Car players (with rotary control)
WHAT empegcar developer image
2005/07/25 18:54
RELEASE Rio Car player software - developer release v3.00-alpha11
VERSION Rio Car player software - developer release v3.00-alpha11
LOADER /proc/flash_0c000, size=452 bytes
LOADER /proc/flash_0e000, size=1692 bytes
KERNEL /proc/empeg_kernel, size=476784 bytes
RAMDISK /proc/flash_b0000, size=327680 bytes
--> pumping: ncftpput -E -c "" "/proc/flash_b0000"
Could not accept a data connection: Operation timed out.
Could not read reply from control connection -- timed out.
Broken pipe
And finally done...
Can anyone offer some advice?