Hi all
I have a pair of RAM chips sat here on my desk doing very little (other than looking pretty in their little blister packs). I'm never going to get round to (a) attempting an install, or (b) asking my mate to do it. Hence, they're for sale.
Originally purchased from Paul Grzelak some time back, these (IIRC) will upgrade a MK2a to 32MB being as they are a pair of 8MB chips. I stand to be corrected on this as it was quite a while ago that I bought them.
I have no idea what they're worth as I can't remember what I paid for them, so offers via PM or email please.

I also have some non-original lenses lying around too. Again, offers via PM or email please. I'm happy to separate, but it would be less hassle for all concerned if the lenses went as a job lot.
Light Smoke

Dark Smoke


