Actually it turns out just fine. I can see the entire display. I'm not sure if the pictures give false impressions of the position of things, but there's nothing close to that kind of a problem where the top line is concerned.
This makes me very happy

It is a little bit of a long way to the volume knob, but luckily this will have a much more limited impact on me...since I'm running RCA out to aux input on my factory stereo. I leave the empeg volume set at 0 and control volume with factory unit.
This is working out *so* much nicer than the install in my previous car (2000 Maxima). I am very excited about it. It's like getting a new empeg all over again (well, partly because there's a wonderful new toy wrapped around the empeg as well).
I just about finished it tonight. Once I get back to the office and find a pair of RJ-45 crimpers, I'll be able to knock out the last step and snap the center console back in place. I should have final pr0n up sometime tomorrow.
- Chris