Does anyone with a Mac have a Keyspan remote (like the Digital Media model (DMR))?
I'm looking for some feedback regarding using it with Front Row - and specifically using its buttons to FastForward and Rewind.
Issue: Front Row supports the keyboard for navigation. Pressing left or right cursor keys will allow you to skip tracks, etc... But HOLDING left or right (long-press) will allow you to FastForward or Rewind songs and movies. If you continuesly tap the cursor keys this is not the same thing as long pressing.
Unfortunately the Remote Wonder software I designed while at ATI only does Down-Up keystroke repeating and therefore will not FWD or REW in this application. And there isn't some other single keystroke to achieve the same results.
Keyspan's latest software claims full compatibility with Front Row but they don't say if it works for FWD and REW.
I'll run out and buy one to test, but I'm eager for an answer and don't think I can grab one tonight. The only place that might have one is the Apple store and that's at least 30 minutes each way with another 20 for parking, getting through the mall and out of the store with the product. Considering I was already there today picking up a Mac mini, I don't want to go back tonight.
