You said it - you're dead right. My feeling as well. What I really thought worked: "Waking from the Coma" and "The Coffin". The rest - seen it before, sorry.
The difference from his other films that made me want to watch more? I
hadn't seen it before. "I'm a Cop" - "Don't call me STOOOPID" - "I'm bringing her to YOU and you'd better be f***** ready!" "Like, like it really HURTS" - "Oh G**, you shot him" - "Foot Massage?" "I am the Angel of the LORD" - "OK Honey bunny!" - "Like, you care?" - "Bring out the Gimp" - "Don't you tell no-one 'bout this, OK?" "Zed's Dead, Honey, Zed's Dead". I could go on all night - "Killing Zoe", etc. I won't - but what can I get from KB1 & 2?
This won't stop me buying it on DVD when it hits the bargain bin though, sorry