What I'd have liked was if the appended album was shuffled into the remaining songs, rather than the whole playlist being reshuffled.
Right now you can do this with an APPENDED SEARCH.
There is the option to search for individual titles, or albums ("source"), etc. Press the "Direct/OK" button on the Kenwood remote a few times.
When the desired search screen is up, press the CD-MD-CH button on the Kenwood remote, and it will switch between "Search" mode and "Append" mode.
In "Search" mode, it will throw out your current playlist and play only the results of your search. In "Append" mode, it will add the results of your search to the end of your current playlist.
There will be a third search style in version 1.10: "Insert." This mode will insert your search results right after the current song. This will be very useful, and it's probably the exact thing you were looking for.
For more information on how to search, check the relevant heading in the FAQ forum on this BBS.
Tony Fabris