...or perhaps great people make it look so

Anyway: I participate on a
mailing list devoted to life and work of one of the finest Scottish, British and world's writers (SF and otherwise), Iain (M.) Banks. The list's
audience is, not unlike this community, relatively small, but varied and far-flung. Among members is an Apple fanboy, and we enjoy poking fun at him for his unquestioned loyalty. So, one day discussion started on Apple's marketing prowess, as witnessed by iPod being received as the greatest invention since sliced bread, although is was not even among first (or best) five or ten portable hard-disk players. I mentioned Karma, of course, and, to make long story short: besides me two other people (out of 50 os so) are very familiar with Karma, empeg and the original empeg team, Sigmatel story etc. One even shared a house with one of developers!
Small world, indeed!