I'm not finished with my X41 image and my memory is a little hazy because I haven't worked on it recently. I think I skipped Trusted Platform Computing (don't know enough about it to trust it yet) and others.
I also think I consumed the D:, reasoning fully automating a reghosting AND updating so it could be done in the field was too much work. The stored image would get out of date with what I had in the office.
However, on my baby blue UMPCs, I am definately leaving the hidden restore D:. Those will be single purpose machines, for data collection, so they won't need any updates other than from Microsoft which can be automated. Those will live up to 10 states away for extended periods, so remote restore is a must.
Oh, and ALL Suspend/Restore sucks. I've never seen it work 100% right, always causing SOME annoying problem to SOME program, requiring a restart, thus making suspend unnecessary. I never finalized my decision against it, so I think some of my laptops still have "Suspend on lid close". I forget off hand... can you tell it's the weekend?

110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens,
Greenlights Lit Buttons green set