Try Mp3 Tag Studio. It's free and will rename your entire collection in one step, as long as your tags are clean. Ummm... it isn't
really free. It is shareware, and if you continue to use it past the evaluation time, you should pay Magnus the paltry $19 he asks for this great software, even though there are no time or usability limitations on the trial version.
Magnus Brading, the author of the software, is a member of this bbs (Magnus_Brading is his user name) although he hasn't posted anything in quite some time. Last time I "spoke" to him (via email) he said that he just didn't have time to visit here.

I need to email him about a minor bug in the program, so I'll mention that we miss him!
Edit: I just upgraded to the latest beta (v.17) and the bug has been fixed, although no mention was made in the release notes. In case anybody cares, the bug was this: When using the "Mass Set Tags/Flags" feature, if a word in the song title contained an apostrophe, the first letter of the next word would remain lower case, even though the Mass Set instructions were to capitalize it. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I did mention this to Magnus some time ago, that's probably why it's fixed now.