After about 8 months I'm now catching up on uploading music to my empeg and I have something in the region of 50 albums still to upload, mostly due to buying remastered copies or simply re-ripping and compressing with Lame's APX option.
I was already aware of the bug where emplode appears to crash and the player reports Sigkill through Hijack at the rebuilding database stage and leaving me to do a manual rebuild, but it's getting tedious now. I started with 12 albums and that caused a crash, then 8 albums and eventually 5. 5 albums appeared to work ok for a while but I've just had 2 crashes/rebuilds with that number.
Strictly speaking I know this can't be fixed but I'm interested in any workarounds that I've probably missed here. I tried skipping the manual rebuild but emplode then gets stuck in that Rebuilding Database procedure - I quitted out because it looked like I could rebuild manually quicker. I was hoping to skip the rebuilding database stage until I have my new music uploaded where I could start creating playlists etc.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I could make this procedure a bit less interactive?

Should I just queue up the 50 odd albums in emplode safe in the knowledge that the database rebuild will fail? That just occurred to me and it seems too easy; I'm sure that I remember folks on here advising against hefty uploads?
Mk2 30+40GB, V3.0 A11, Hijack 438 and my preferred OS is WinXP.