Well, of course if you're not looking into CMS or other online colaborative systems, there's no value. But having found this site last night after browsing dozens O.S. CMS web sites & sourceforge pages, reading through ungodly amounts of useless buzzwords, it was nice to find someplace where I could quickly log in and fiddle without having to do any downloading/install/setup.
That said, I didn't find anything that looked like it would suit my needs - so there's value in knowing that. The value in that site's the live test drive part and a collection of links to developer sites. Googling 'Open Source Content Document Management' does return an awfully large number of hits, so I found that site useful.
Also, since there have been a couple of 'which bbs/etc/etc is better' type threads here in the past few years, I thought there might be some interested parties. (Yourself excepted so it seems
