Hey guys, was wondering if some of you linux gurus out there could give me a hand.. I was trying to configure my linux box to do 2 differnt web sites and ended up messing it up, so instead of trying to fix my mess i said screw it and downloaded the newest ver of ubuntu (6.10) server edition and installed it clean while installing the LAMP (which i have to say is the easiest install of apache, mysql and php ive ever done

) and as far as i can tell the default apache site works. now my problem comes in that i have 2 domains lets just say domain1.com and domain2.com I would like apache to be setup where both domains have thier own dir under /var/www like /var/www/domain1.com and /var/www/domain2.com which i have seen alot of tutorials out there and have tried to follow. Now my question is this, my box is behind a firewall/router and uses a 192.168.0.x address, How do i get it so when someone types in domain1.com and my port forwarding sends port 80 to my server it knows to give them /var/www/domain1.com and not domain2.com? As it stands now DNS wise I have a program called DirectUpdate that runs on my windows box and updates my domains with my routers IP address.. Is what im trying to do possible? Is there a good walkthrough/tutorial out there someone could point me too? ive looked through a bunch but does exactly walk me through all what im trying to configure or im just not understanding some of it.. It has been a while since I have tried to mess with this so im a little rusty

Thanks for your patience..