I had a question about some of the things you [may] have implemented in v1.1.
A while ago, the issue about multiple PIN numbers was raised. (in case you don't know, if 2 songs have the same PIN number, only one will play when the number is entered, the one with the lower FID, I believe. in addition, there is no way currently to detect this in emplode)
So I was wondering what you had left it off with (if you're allowed to release that info). Some people wanted not only to be alerted as to when more than one file shared a PIN, but wanted to be prohibited from doing such. I, on the other hand, prefered to by notified when more than one file shared a PIN, but would be able to have both of them play, in sort of an adhoc playlist.
Now, I understand why people disagree with me. "Why not make another playlist?" Well, I might only want to do this with 2 songs at a time, making a whole new playlist excessive. It's also quicker this way.
Regardless of these issues, would it be possible to know what was eventually decided? I'm really curious... thanks

Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, etc.