Hi guys - it's me..
Just got the laptop and 3G-card delivered from the office by a colleague,
so here I am sitting at the bedside tapping away while waiting for the sadist^h^h^h^h^h^h physioterapeut

So, Thu 3 May on the way home from work I'm riding on a 50 kmh road behind 3 cars with reasonable spacing between the cars, I'm starting to fall back a bit more and had about 2x the distance between cars distance to the car in front of me, no cars immediately behind me.
Approaching a crossing (lights for crossing but separate exit to join our lane w/o light, essentially like a US right turn on red) I spot a car looking to join and get that feeling the "he might do something stupid...", so I keep extra tight watch on him.
As I go into the crossing I've dropped of somewhat, pobably just below 40 kmh, see the bloke in the car being still and noticing me, I open the throttle back up - then I see something white in front of me. Next thing I can remember is getting help to get extracted from the moped/scooter and limping away to a nearby tree.
I don't remember anything of the state of the moped, but that some guy had collected a few bits of plastic panels that he dropped off just as I limped away.
As to injuries: broken left arm just below the shoulder "ball" - clean break, no plaster, just a sling and wrap to keep it fixated.
Fairly deep cuts/scratches on both knees - looks like I broke off the ignition key with the right knee (stupily placed) and the left knee got gouged by the piece of the key remaining in the lock. Then some scratches on the lower left leg and just avove the knee on the right. This is all healing nicely.
Got a few minor bruises on the forehead and nose from the inside of the helmet but that was really nothing. REALLY happy I chose the full/enclosed/integral helmet even though the look a bit "race-y" on a moped/scooter...
As to the hip they couldn't at first see it on the X-rays, so thought te pain might just be from a banged muscle/lendon atachment or something like that.So with the arm in a sling and a crutch as support I'm going home from the ER.
About 5 hours later the ER calls and wants me to come in for further X-rays of the hip (2nd doc has looked at the original ones and thinks there might be a crack). Don't recall the technology used but the slices showed that a bit (about 1x1.5 cm) had cracked loose, bur otherwise remained in place at the rim of the socket.
Then comes a couple of days of confusion as to operate or not - as long as I didn't put any weight on the leg it would heal on its own in about 3 onths. But with the arm also out of action I couldn't use crutches to unload the leg, so it'd mean a wheelchair. That and the risk of a fall or something transfering in/out of
the chair smacking the leg and maybe worsening things/forcing operation anyway they decided to operate. So Thursday morning they did the operation, putting in a plate to fixate and reinforce.
Initially even the tiniest movement of the leg had me gasing in pain, but it's improving rapily. Can stand with maybe 40% of normal load on it, ake tiny steps manouvering around the bed/chair/toilet etc. Used a walker table to cross the room yesterday and it wen't much better than i had feared (the day before I'd been up and taken just 2 steps with serious pain)
So it's probably more of that today.
For the arm, I'm flexing the elbow and hand/fingers o they don't stiffen up. Will likely start today with exercises just letting the arm hang and sway to get some movewent on the ball/socket.
As for the wallet, it turned out that I had forgotten it at work.... But I'll still have to get new cards , and apparently they won't let me do that via internet banking (via personal phone service would have been OK, go figure, but I cancelled that a while ago since I never used it...

) So I'll have to go do that in person as soon as I get out of here.
So overall, bad thing to happen, but it could have been lots worse. Broken bones heal far better than broken brains.
Who's rambling? Couldn't be me, no way...
Anyways - will do my very best to appear at this years meet, hope to see y'all then!