#299759 - 27/06/2007 16:37
Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
Registered: 08/05/2000
Posts: 1429
Loc: San Francisco, CA
Ok, this is amazing - y'all are gonna love it. Click on this link Now after the video loads (I understand that it may not work in Firefox...), when you click on the play button... 1) COUNT the # of passes of WHITE SHIRT people ONLY 2) ANY pass counts, even if it has a ball bounce in between passes When done counting, post the # of passes you saw. Then, see the spoiler in my next post... - Jon
#299760 - 27/06/2007 16:48
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: jbauer]
old hand
Registered: 14/02/2002
Posts: 804
Loc: Salt Lake City, UT
I counted 14
#040103696 on a shelf Mk2a - 90 GB - Red - Illuminated buttons
#299761 - 27/06/2007 16:49
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: jbauer]
Registered: 21/01/2002
Posts: 1380
Loc: Erie, CO
I saw this shown at a knowledge management conference I attended.
Spoiler: Bar crefba va gur zvqqyr bs gur nhqvrapr ynhturq irel ybhqyl zvqjnl guebhtu gur ivqrb, naq V erzrzore guvaxvat, JGS? Gura nsgre gur cerfragre nfxrq hf gb envfr bhe unaqf sbe rnpu pbhag (12, 13, 14) jr jngpurq vg ntnva naq rirelbar fnj vg.
#299762 - 27/06/2007 16:51
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: Waterman981]
Registered: 08/05/2000
Posts: 1429
Loc: San Francisco, CA
Quote: I counted 14
Interesting. If you haven't tried this yet, don't read the below spoiler. Waterman, and others that have done it, read below...
Spoiler: Jngpu gur ivqrb ntnva, ohg cnl ab nggragvba gb gur onyy cnffvat. Qvq lbh abgvpr nalguvat nobhg gur ivqrb gung lbh qvqa'g frr orsber??? Qba'g fcbvy guvf ol cbfgvat jung lbh frr... Sbe zber vasb, frr guvf: uggc://ra.jvxvcrqvn.bet/jvxv/Vanggragvbany_oyvaqarff naq guvf: uggc://oybt.jszh.bet/serrsbez/2006/07/ybbxvat_jvgubhg.ugzy link 1 link 2
Edited by wfaulk (27/06/2007 18:44)
#299763 - 27/06/2007 16:56
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: jbauer]
Registered: 01/03/2002
Posts: 599
Loc: Florida
my count is 14
#299764 - 27/06/2007 17:16
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: jbauer]
Registered: 12/05/2002
Posts: 205
Loc: Virginia, USA
Well, it didn't work on me, I guess I'm part of the "other" 50%. BTW, the links in the spoiler just don't work in my MS IE 6. Pretty cool concept though and I've noticed it happen to me in different circumstances.
Brent RioCar MK][a 20GB+80GB '96 Saab 900s (Not any more) Still looking for a good way to install in a 2010 BMW 3 series with iDrive/NAV
#299765 - 27/06/2007 17:19
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: bbowman]
Registered: 08/05/2000
Posts: 1429
Loc: San Francisco, CA
Yeah, I can't figure out how to get the links to work in the spoiler...
Spoiler: Jrveq, V unir n qhqr va zl ohvyqvat gung V whfg fubjrq guvf gb nf jryy. Ur jngpurq gur ivqrb gjvpr, fnvq "14" rnpu gvzr. Jura V nfxrq uvz vs ur fnj nalguvat vagrerfgvat va gur ivqrb ur fnvq "jryy, n tbevyyn jnyxrq bhg qhevat gur ivqrb, ohg gung'f vg..." Nznmvat gung fbzr crbcyr whfg frr vg, naq bguref ner gbb cerbpphcvrq jvgu onyy cnffvat gb abgvpr!
#299766 - 27/06/2007 17:36
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: jbauer]
old hand
Registered: 14/02/2002
Posts: 804
Loc: Salt Lake City, UT
Spoiler: Lrnu V qba'g guvax V fnj vg gur svefg gvzr, ohg nf V jnf tbvat onpx gb purpx zl pbhag V fnj gur thl va gur tbevyyn fhvg.
#040103696 on a shelf Mk2a - 90 GB - Red - Illuminated buttons
#299767 - 27/06/2007 18:07
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: jbauer]
Registered: 06/04/2005
Posts: 2026
Loc: Seattle transplant
ROFL Yah- 14. Totally caught up in it. 
10101311 (20GB- backup empeg) 10101466 (2x60GB, Eutronix/GreenLights Blue) (Stolen!)
#299768 - 27/06/2007 18:48
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: jbauer]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 25/12/2000
Posts: 16706
Loc: Raleigh, NC US
I totally fell for it. LOL.
Bitt Faulk
#299769 - 27/06/2007 21:30
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: jbauer]
Registered: 15/01/2002
Posts: 1866
Loc: Austin
Spoiler: V qvq frr gur tbevyyn ohg V guvax vs lbh unq nfxrq zr vs V abgvprq nalguvat jrveq gung V jbhyqa'g unir gubhtug vg bqq. V erzrzore guvaxvat "Qhqr va n tbevyyn fhvg whfg pnzr bhg. Znlor gurl'er tbvat gb nqq zber crbcyr gb znxr vg uneqre gb xrrc genpx bs gur onyy" naq gura pbagvahrq pbhagvat.
#299770 - 27/06/2007 21:33
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: RobotCaleb]
Registered: 08/05/2000
Posts: 1429
Loc: San Francisco, CA
Spoiler: Vg'f fgenatr - fbzr crbcyr frr vg, naq bguref whfg gbgnyyl zvff vg. Vg'f uvynevbhf gb jngpu fbzrbar zvff vg. V ynhtu fb uneq gung V pel. Znlor gur crbcyr gung frr vg ner whfg zber creprcgvir...
#299771 - 27/06/2007 22:37
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: jbauer]
Registered: 21/03/2002
Posts: 1424
Loc: MA but Irish born
Sounds like an SEP Field to me.
#299772 - 27/06/2007 23:50
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: jbauer]
I saw it the first time and got the count right. I didn't understand the point of the exercise until I read all the spoilers though!
Here's my theory.
It's just your brain filtering out unimportant data. When I'm reading a webpage, my mind filters out useless banner ads on the page. The unimportant data doesn't contribute to the success of the mission (of counting the number of passes) so it never enters into your conscious mind.
However, as I was watching this video for the first time, I was much more perceptive to the entire scene due to jbauer implying the strangeness of it. In addition, the "Visual Cognition Lab" page title caught my eye. So my mind really had two missions: (1) to count the number of passes and (2) to figure out what the "trick" is. Thus, all data in the video was deemed important by my unconscious (or preconscious?) and was passed on into my conscious for analyzation.
#299773 - 28/06/2007 00:49
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: ]
Registered: 19/09/2002
Posts: 2494
Loc: East Coast, USA
What does the test say about me because I Spoiler: tbg gur pbeerpg pbhag naq fnj gur zbaxrl ba gur svefg gel, jvgubhg nal njnerarff gung gurer jnf n "gevpx" gb vg? Same first-watch reasoning as l0ser.
The best part about the video? About 1/3 way in, one of the girls gets hit in the head with a ball. But she keeps on playing like a champion!!
- FireFox31 110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set
#299774 - 28/06/2007 01:39
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: FireFox31]
Registered: 20/01/2002
Posts: 2085
Loc: New Orleans, LA
Spoiler: V'q yvxr gb frr guvf rkcrevzrag qbar ba n tebhc bs xvqf jvgu NQQ irefhf gubfr jvgubhg. V jbhyq jntre gung gubfr jvgu NQQ ner zber yvxryl gb frr gur tbevyyn. OGJ, V fnj gur tbevyyn nf fbba nf vg jnf ba fperra. Va snpg, V nyzbfg ybfg genpx bs gur onyyf orpnhfr bs vg.
#299775 - 28/06/2007 04:00
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: lectric]
Registered: 31/05/2002
Posts: 352
Loc: santa cruz,ca
for those of you keeping score at home: 14 felt silly the second time I watched it.
#299776 - 28/06/2007 13:10
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: lastdan]
old hand
Registered: 14/08/2001
Posts: 886
Loc: London, UK
I counted 14
And Spoiler: V fnj gur tbevyyn nf jryy
Does that make me special?
Mk2a RioCar 120Gb - now sold to the owner of my old car Rio Karma - now on ebay...
#299777 - 28/06/2007 13:42
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: furtive]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 18/01/2000
Posts: 5687
Loc: London, UK
If you liked that one, check out this card trick.
-- roger
#299778 - 28/06/2007 14:00
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: Roger]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 10/06/1999
Posts: 5916
Loc: Wivenhoe, Essex, UK
Ok, the card trick had me completely fooled.
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday
#299779 - 28/06/2007 14:52
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: Roger]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 25/12/2000
Posts: 16706
Loc: Raleigh, NC US
Spoiler: V abgvprq gung gur tvey'f gbc punatrq pbybe naq gung unq zr qvfgenpgrq rabhtu gung V pbhyq oneryl pbagvahr guvaxvat nobhg gur pneqf, zhpu yrff gur erfg bs gur frg. V qvq abgvpr gung gur frg jnf zhpu oevtugre ng gur raq, ohg V qvqa'g abgvpr gung V abgvprq (vs gung znxrf nal frafr) hagvy nsgre gur snpg. Gung qbrf zrna gung V snvyrq gb abgvpr gur thl'f fuveg punatvat, gubhtu.
Bitt Faulk
#299780 - 28/06/2007 16:54
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: jbauer]
Registered: 14/07/2002
Posts: 344
Loc: South Carolina
1) COUNT the # of passes of WHITE SHIRT people ONLY
Does a "handoff" count as a pass? If so, I think there maybe 15 instead of 14. About halfway through, Spoiler: nf gur tbevyyn vf jnyxvat bhg bs gur yrsg fvqr bs gur pvepyr, the boy in the longsleeve white shirt appears to be passing it to the girl and it seems that she hands it to the short sleeved white shirt boy.
Russ --------------------------------------------------------- "The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will." Vince Lombardi
#299781 - 28/06/2007 17:04
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: russmeister]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 25/12/2000
Posts: 16706
Loc: Raleigh, NC US
Spoiler: V qba'g guvax gur ahzore bs cnffrf vf ernyyl va nal jnl eryrinag.
Bitt Faulk
#299782 - 28/06/2007 19:11
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: Roger]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 08/03/2000
Posts: 12347
Loc: Sterling, VA
Quote: If you liked that one, check out this card trick.
That one got me. I really didn't notice any of that. I will say that I had a gut feeling that something was off, but I didn't realize what it was.
#299783 - 28/06/2007 19:11
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: FireFox31]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 13/02/2002
Posts: 3212
Loc: Portland, OR
Quote: What does the test say about me because I Spoiler: tbg gur pbeerpg pbhag naq fnj gur zbaxrl ba gur svefg gel, jvgubhg nal njnerarff gung gurer jnf n "gevpx" gb vg? Same first-watch reasoning as l0ser.
Same here.
Quote: The best part about the video? About 1/3 way in, one of the girls gets hit in the head with a ball. But she keeps on playing like a champion!!
But I totally missed this!
#299784 - 28/06/2007 19:18
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: andy]
carpal tunnel
Registered: 13/02/2002
Posts: 3212
Loc: Portland, OR
Quote: Ok, the card trick had me completely fooled.
I caught everything in that one, right away. Spoiler: Vapyhqvat gur tbevyyn va gur onpxtebhaq -- gb gvr vg va jvgu gur svefg ivqrb... 
#299785 - 28/06/2007 20:12
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: canuckInOR]
Registered: 02/08/2004
Posts: 434
Loc: Helsinki, Finland
Quote: Ok, the card trick had me completely fooled.
I caught everything in that one, right away. Spoiler: Vapyhqvat gur tbevyyn va gur onpxtebhaq -- gb gvr vg va jvgu gur svefg ivqrb...
ditto! At least I don't feel like quite the fool now.
#299786 - 29/06/2007 23:59
Re: Amazing experiment - you guys HAVE to try this.
[Re: petteri]
Registered: 19/09/2002
Posts: 2494
Loc: East Coast, USA
Wow, the card trick blew my supposed ADD advantage right out the window. I was too focused on "how are they trying to distract my attention from the 'magic'? Oh, did she just bend the corner of a card with her hand? Did he just find the bent corner to put the card in? Spoiler: Jnvg, jub'f fvggvat gurer va gur pbeare?!"
- FireFox31 110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set