As some of you may be aware there was a cock up with the shirts at this years meet. This lead to having them all re-printed, and this in turn has left me with a few spares. This is due to the manufacturer for the 2nd time getting the order wrong and shipping the wrong numbers of some sizes.

They are all from the new batch, which I have tested and the screen print stays put

I have a small number of L and XXL size shirts left over. I am going to make them available to all members here. The shirts themselves will be free, as the cost has been met by the meet itself, but I would like to make a donation to a good cause/charity. Not sure what yet, but I'll inform you where the money has gone once I have a total.
Postage will be at cost as follows...
UK - £3.5
Europe - £4.50
USA - £5.50
Other - Please contact via PM
Payment will be via PayPal after contact on PM.
These are exclusive items, never to be printed again, I am not expecting big bucks for the donation just a reasonable amount for a shirt of this type

PS - Everyone at the meet (virtual or otherwise) has been sent a shirt today, so expect delivery soon.