I'm not sure how I missed this, but it might be of interest to some here. In June Customs and Excise apparently very quietly changed the rules on taxation of biofuels, removing duty on small producers, defined as those producing less than 2500 litres of biodiesel, etc, per year. Apparently it also covers using straight vegetable oil, which seems to be going for about 55-60 pence per litre in bulk, from a quick check at the local cash and carry. Effectively this gives you a personal allowance of 2500 litres of biofuel per year, which at, for example, 40 MPG (my van's average fuel consumption) is more than 22000 miles a year

Comfortably above my current mileage.
I know what the next project for the popemobile is going to be
Converting an oldish diesel to run on vegetable oil is quite straightforward, and something I had been tempted to do for a number of years. The only thing stopping me was the tax cost, which made the fuel more expensive than normal diesel fuel. Now, with the skyrocketing cost of fossil diesel and a huge tax saving, it's definitely worth it.
For our north american friends, this is so attractive because the cost of diesel fuel in the UK at the moment is around £1.08 per litre. This works out to around 2.20 US$ per litre, or 8.37 US$ per US gallon. You think
you've got fuel cost problems

90%+ tax, of course.
edited to correct my inexplicably stupid maths error