I'm looking for a funny gift for my wife.
My favorite show on the Food Network is Alton Brown's
Good Eats. The show has a very whimsical style, and his kitchen is usually filled with food- and kitchen appliance-related props and toys. One of his tools is a spray bottle that has a dinosaur head on the top of it. It's a T-Rex head and water sprays out of its mouth. My wife loves that thing, and I really want to get one for her. (and no, it's not going to be her only present - this is a "first Christmas married" we're talking about here

I've been looking everywhere, and the only info I've been able to find is that Alton's wife got the thing at Target, but he doesn't know who makes it.
I wish I could find a picture of the thing to show you what I'm talking about, but I was wondering if someone here might have the Google-fu to find this.