If I may commiserate in your rantation.
I had a desire to buy a Matchbox car this week.
If you go to the
Matchbox Toys website without Flash enabled, all you get is a small little image telling you that "the site is cooler with Flash."
No link to a Flash-free version of the site.
No links to any information in the site.
No way to do anything whatsoever.
If you then opt to try to delve into Flash-world to get whatever information is buried there, you discover they have no way to search for local dealers.
You also discover that a Ford GT looks suspiciously like, well, not a Ford GT, but rather something quite a bit more British....
I guess the site serves a purpose for fun and excitement.
But I was ready to part with my money, and they gave me no way to do so.

Word to wise web wizards:
Flash may be fun. Flash may keep you amused.
But Flash may not bring you any more business.
Flash may annoy the ever-loving-hell out of your potential customers.
Amazon and Ebay know how to build sites to extract the maximum amount of money out of me in the minimum amount of time.
Watch and learn.
(Well, don't watch Ebay too closely. They're only usable when I adblock those annoying portfolio-of-my-other-crap applets that some people put at the bottom of their listings.)
No cool-aid for me, thanks. I'm on a diet.