Hi all,
I have an RFP from a local company who wants a 10 to 15 minute informational video created.
The RFP has a tight timeline and requests three references. I have done some small stuff for myself and I know that this won't be too difficult of a project to tackle. My main issue is that I don't have the time to do it myself with the tight timeline, a two-year old and moving into a new house.
If anyone on the board has video creation experience (with examples available to view) and would like to act as a partner in this production (and possibly more in the future) please PM or email me. (rene at conneriver com)
I would act as the company doing the video on this end and you, whoever you may be, will be paid directly by me via Paypal.
Credit for this work will be given appropriately. Nothing to hide. Unless you want to hide and simply receive a cash payment.

I will be collecting all materials and ftping them to you for the video editing part.
Any other terms we would work out after I find a partner.
Thanks for any interest!
P.S. I should be able to get some samples of what they want to model this after as well as a narrator.