on initial bootup I got a message saying that the temperature sensor had been fixed. Subsequent bootups do not show this message. Does this mean that my temp sensor was not working right?
Yes, that what that means. In particular, it was in "one-shot" mode, whereby it would only get a temperature reading when "initialized". I first saw this problem years ago, and added code to Hijack to re-initialize it every five minutes to compensate.
But as of v487, that problem should now go away -- Hijack queries the current setting of the hardware, and fixes it (if wrong) by changing the setting to "continuous sampling" instead of "one-shot" mode. A simple thing. Dunno why it took me over six years to get around to it.

Oh wait.. I know why.. I was afraid of killing the sensor chip completely (another common issue from six years ago). But now that I can fix them, that doesn't worry me at all any more! (and now that we fully understand the issues, that's not going happen anyway).