...though the alternative is a mission where 12 Supermans and 14 Batmans team up with 9 Green Lanterns and 8 Wonder Women. That would be far worse, IMO.
Don't forget to throw in 1 Booster Gold!

But that is exactly why it would be difficult to make the game where you can be those characters.
I did like the mention in
this article that Jim Lee is thinking of the idea of tying in-game events to the events as they happen in the comics. I haven't followed the comics for almost 10 years, but that would be a fun twist to it. The only downside is your character would have no effect on the events in the comics. If that matters.
This does have my interest, but I'm sure when it comes down to it I won't pay a monthly fee to play a game I already purchased a license for. $50 in the store once + an additional $15/month. Not for me.