Hi all,
Me again with a new question with regards to my home automation project.
Andym and Tman have already been of great help in
my other thread, but I wonder if they also know a solution to my next question.

This next question has kept me really puzzled for the last couple of days:
What is the best way to install such an in-wall panel mount?
Imagine this situation: Freshly built brick wall, about 16 cm (+/- 6 inches) thick. The hole where the panel needs to go will be chiseled out of the wall. After this, the wall will be plastered.
Now, what is the best solution to mount these panels?? Keep in mind, I only have access to the hole from the front. The idea is that all the necessary cabling (power, video) will enter the hole from the inside, and so will be hidden once the panel gets inserted.
My main problem is: what solution do I use to mount these panels flush into the wall? I'm guessing I need some sort of click-in solution, because otherwise the panel would surely drop out again. Problem is I can't seem to find such a solution. Could somebody help me on the way please? I needs this solution for a touch panel of (most likely) 12" to (perhaps) 15". It's not my intention to remove these panels from the wall on a regular basis, but it would be handy if I would removed the easily if needed (eg, if one broke), without having to re-plaster my wall afterwards.
Googling has led me nowhere. At best I came up with a mounting solution by
Chief, but those are all meant for TV really, not small panels...
Thanks a lot in advance all, as always!